About me

My name is Dale.  I am a 43 year old single mother of three children and reside in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town. I work full time from 08h00 - 13h00 during the week, therefore the afternoons are mine to escape to my dream world. I make and sell all my own jewellery through Leilah-Lee Creations and enjoy every minute of it.

Leilah-Lee Creations materialised almost a year ago and it is my passion to make affordable jewellery to suit everyone's taste. I give God ALL the glory and honour for my talents. The Word states, "I am who the Word says I am and I can do what the Word says I can do. I am blessed with all spiritual blessings, through Christ Jesus Who strengthens me. Everything my hands touch, is blessed. I am blessed in the city. I am blessed in the field.

Leilah-Lee Creations is part of my "field". I want to encourage all entrepeneurs out there to never ever give up on your dreams. Never ever lose faith. Dreams do come true.....if you dare to believe.

God bless,

Dale Penderis

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